Do you have a hard time incorporating fitness into your busy life? Do you hate going to the gym? I do which is why I LOVE this quick but tough circuit work out you can do from home. I am no fitness coach or personal trainer, but I learned this exercise during my competitive hockey days. The only things you will need for this workout is yourself, a timer, and a clear spot big enough to do push-ups, sit ups, and squats. This is a body weight work out so no need to get weights!

Each circuit will consist of:

5 push-ups

10 sit ups

15 squats

Start the timer and begin the exercises in order of 5, 10, 15. You have 1 minute to complete these exercises. Once you are done the remainder of your minute is your rest time. Once the new minute begins start the exercises over again and repeat for 15 minutes. It may not seem like much—but the next day you will feel the burn!

You do not have to do 15 minutes worth the first time you do this. You can start with 5 minutes and build yourself up to the full 15 minutes. I would start by doing this 2-3 times a week.

I use this exercise to get ready for the push-up and sit ups portion of my military fitness test. My typical work out week is alternating 3 days of running and 2-3 days of this exercise. But when I am in a time crunch, this is my go-to work out!

Advanced options:

After 15 minutes doing these exercises is no longer a daunting experience (crazy but possible) you can alter the exercises to make the workout more challenging.


  • Squat jumps
  • V-ups
  • Butterflies
  • Lunge jumps

I hope this helps with your fitness goals!