Hello and welcome to my page! My name is Jackie and I am a simple person who likes to DIY and bake when I find the time. I have titled my blog Life of a Scatterbrain to reflect my inability to focus on one topic at a time!

My husband and I met when we were active duty military and we have since switched to the reserves while pursuing civilian careers. After moving in together I sent him daily images of cute puppies until he caved and we got our first pup Topher. After a few years of being an only child, I realized he could use a friend to spend the days with while at work. So again i sent my husband pictures of cute pups until he caved and we adopted our girl Piper. Below are the pictures of my two pups Topher (middle image) and Piper (right image) and our family Christmas photo. They will most likely be the topic of a few of my blog posts since my life revolves around them. It is my goal in life to proved them the yard they deserve.

I started this blog to share my crafting journey along with created projects, scrumptious recipes, and a variety of life hacks to anyone willing to read! I am not an expert in anything but I can learn and share with all of you. If you have awesome suggestions you want me to try and share, please send me an email.

Don’t forget to visit my shop while you are here! You can purchase some of my created products which will help me justify my crafting habit to my husband! You can also follow me in Pinterest and Instagram!